Try these simple tips to reduce wrinkles naturally

Using natural, anti-aging skin care is important to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Moisturising, hydrating, exfoliating and feeding your skin with antioxidants is important.

But it’s not the only thing you should be doing.

If you want to delay wrinkles for as long as possible (and who doesn’t), these simple habits will make a big difference! Try them for a week or so and see what happens.

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Diana Milnes
Thinking of ditching carbs? Read this first.

When people say "carbs" like it's a dirty word, it can be confusing. This mainly refers to refined carbohydrates, not whole natural carbohydrates. 

Carbohydrates are one of three primary macronutrients (the other two are protein and fat). 

We usually think of carbs like cookies, bread, pasta and other refined food. These foods are full of refined carbohydrates and saturated fats.  But they aren't the carbs that we should be eating.

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Diana Milnes
Why your skin (and your body) needs fat

Your skin is a reflection of your health inside and out. If you want to have naturally glowing skin you’ll need to have a healthy, balanced diet. 

A balanced diet includes all three macronutrients -  proteins, carbohydrates and fats. 

In this article, I'll explain why you need to eat fats for healthy skin, how much is enough, and what kind of fats we should have in a balanced eating plan. I'll talk about proteins and carbohydrates in future articles.

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Diana Milnes
9 Effective Ways to Remove Facial Hair

While all women have some facial hair, some of us have a lot more than others. It's usually a 'peach fuzz texture', and it tends to increase during and after menopause. This increase is quite common due to hormonal level fluctuations. Genetics also play a big part, so yours will most likely be like your female relatives.

A common belief is that removing facial hair will cause it to grow back faster, darker or thicker. This isn't true.

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Diana Milnes
Why you should be exfoliating your body

We often hear about how exfoliating our face is an important part of our skin care routine, but did you know that it’s just as important to regularly exfoliate your body?

If you don’t exfoliate regularly you could end up with clogged pores, which blocks moisture from getting into the deeper layers, and ingrown hairs.

If you want to have healthy, smooth skin add body exfoliation to your regular self care routine!

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A quick guide to essential oils

Do you use essential oils? I love them! The aromas are beautiful, and as I studied them more I learned that they don’t just smell good! They also have health and beauty benefits and have been used by traditional cultures for centuries. Lots of studies have been done recently and now they are becoming more popular as we learn more about them.

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How Ayurvedic Vata Balance can help you to stay well during the colder months

Ayurveda translates to 'knowledge of life' or 'science of life'.  Ayurveda is to India what Traditional Chinese Medicine is to China.  

Ayurveda is about living in communion with the shifts of the seasons and the rhythms of the sun and moon. It is an ancient practice that both supports wellness and recovers health. The principles are universal. If you want to feel more connected to your health and well-being, try Ayurveda!

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Diana MilnesComment
Why you need antioxidants inside and out!

One of the essential elements to healthy ageing is protecting your cells with antioxidants. And the easiest way to increase antioxidants is green tea! With around 75% less caffeine than coffee, green tea in the morning is a healthy start to your day.

And the benefits go far beyond drinking it!

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Diana MilnesComment
Is your skin balanced?

Is your skin breaking out, dry and flaky or dull? One of the keys to healthy, glowing skin is maintaining balanced pH levels. When your skin’s pH is out of balance bacteria and other allergens can find their way through your skin, causing inflammation, allergies and breakouts.

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Diana Milnes
Skin Food Salad

While there are lots of nutrients that are important for your skin, two of my favourites for keeping my skin smooth and healthy are Vitamin E and Zinc. This salad delivers both of these nutrients as well as plenty of fibre and protein.

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Diana Milnes
How to have healthy skin

Inside health = outside health!

We’ve all heard the expression “you are what you eat”, and your skin is no exception. Your skin is a reflection of what is happening inside your body, so if you’re healthy on the inside you’ll be healthy on the outside!

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Diana Milnes